Desert Hooves

Join Us

1) Get to know the club. Find out if Pony Club is really for you- come to a few meetings and meet the members if you'd like. Contact someone from the club (visit the contacts page) to arrange a date to visit, or just to ask a few questions. 
2) Like what you see? Contact the DC for an application and further instructions. Download Application Here
3) Have the time of your life! 

Why Should I Join?

Pony Club does an excellent job of developing leadership skills, independence, and responsibility. Children learn the importance and necessity of planning ahead, and how to think quickly in a sticky situation. As with any club setting, conflicts are bound to arise, and kids learn to deal with and overcome these problems in a diplomatic, orderly fashion. They make lifetime friends and learn skills that will be useful no matter what they do in life. Pony Club provides a setting for both mental and social growth, providing children with outstanding opportunities to learn public speaking skills, one-on-one interview abilities, how to work with a team, lead a group, and apply information they have learned to a real situation.


What is the Cost of Joining?

Annual Dues for 2021/2022

USPC National Dues                                                                                                                                                                                                      

New Member for 2022 - $155

Prorated New Membership                                                                                                                                                                                                       Joining between 09/01/21 and 12/31/22 for the remainder of 2021 and all of 2022 - $200

Regular Renewal for 2022.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Postmarked or paid after 11/15/21 - $145

Early Renewal Member for 2022                                                                                                                                                                                         Discount if postmarked on or before 11/15/21 - $135

South West Regional Dues

Annual Membership - $65

Desert Hooves Pony Club Dues 

Annual dues -$35
DHPC sponsor fee - $5

Unmounted Meetings - Horse Management & Badge Program

$5 per member per Unmounted Meeting to cover cost of lesson materials and/or awards

Mounted Meetings

$25* per member per Mounted Meeting to cover trainer’s fee and facility fee (if applicable)  {*Guest Trainers may have a higher fee}


Pony Club instruction fees are to be paid directly to DHPC. Lessons must be paid for by the Due Date posted for the event and any cancellations after the Due Date are non-refundable. You will not be permitted to participate if mounted meeting if instructor fee is not paid. In order to maintain your member in good standing status and participate in club lessons and activities, all fees must be paid.